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Renel Brooks-Moon Honored in CA State Assembly as Woman of the Year by California State Assemblymember Matt Haney

For immediate release:
  • Nate Allbee
  • (415) 756-0561
AD17 Haney Renel Brooks-Moon Session Photos

SACRAMENTO, CA – Today, Renel Brooks-Moon, former Public Address Announcer (PAA) for the San Francisco Giants, was recognized on the Assembly Floor as the Woman of the Year for California Assembly District 17 by Assemblymember Matt Haney. Nominated for her decades of excellence in the field of broadcast journalism and communications, Brooks-Moon is best known for her work as the voice of the San Francisco Giants.

She has spent the last 24 years as the public address announcer breaking barriers for women of color in Major League Baseball (MLB). Renel Brooks-Moon, a native Californian and San Francisco resident. She is a former radio personality and Emmy-winning television host. In 2000, Brooks-Moon became the first voice of the San Francisco Giants' new stadium, Pacific Bell Park, which has since been renamed to SBC Park, AT&T Park, and currently, Oracle Park during her 24-year tenure.

In those 24 years Brooks-Moon broke barriers as the second African-American woman to serve as a PAA in MLB history, the first woman to perform the role of PAA for a World Series, and the first woman to PAA a championship game in any professional sport. Brooks-Moon is not just the iconic voice of the Giants, but an inspirational voice to the San Francisco Bay Area, women, and in particular women of color everywhere.

Oracle Park located in CA Assembly District 17 represented by Assemblymember Matt Haney, who as a lifelong Giants fan, awarded Brooks-Moon with this prestigious award, “She wasn’t just another announcer, Renel was, and is, an icon in the Bay Area. You hear her voice and it’s so familiar, you can’t help but associate her identity with the Giants and the Bay Area as a whole” said Haney. “I am proud to honor her not only for her trailblazing career as an announcer, but also for using her platform to support charities and community advocacy. She's been a leader and an inspiration in everything she's done. Renel opened the door for so many women and for people of color. The broadcasting industry will never be the same.”

“I am profoundly honored and humbled to receive this recognition. Today is dedicated to my parents, Juanita and Nathaniel Brooks, who was San Francisco’s first black high school principal. They were the best parents and role models ever. I wish they were here to witness this, but I know they are with me today. My heart is filled with gratitude and appreciation,” said Brooks-Moon.

The Woman of the Year award, presented annually by the California State Legislature, is a prestigious recognition of the exceptional contributions made by women to their communities and the state. This award celebrates the remarkable achievements of outstanding women who have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of others through their work and service. Recipients of this award serve as role models for future generations and inspire others to make a positive impact in their communities.
